Four images in a row showing a female conservator at work and full and detail views of projects.

Recent Works

Marvin Oliver bronze sculpture

Conservation treatment of "Spirit of Our Youth", 1995, by Marvin Oliver. For 4Culture, location: King County Juvenile Detention Center, 1211 E Alder Street, Seattle, 98122.

MOHAI Figureheads and Terra Cotta

Over the past several years Corine performed the conservation of a number of artifacts, including three large figureheads and of a large terra cotta architectural element for MOHAI, before their move to the new museum on South Lake Union.

WSAC Outdoor Sculptures

She regularly performs the treatment of outdoor sculptures for the Washington State Arts Commission at various community colleges in the region.

Haub Collection Bronze Sculptures

She conserved the extensive Haub Western art bronze collection for the Tacoma Art Museum, to be shown in the new wing.

Totem Poles in Seattle

Over the past fourteen years, she has been involved in the conservation of historically and culturally significant totem poles for the city of Seattle. The work was done in collaboration with conservator T. Hedrick, from Seattle's Office of Arts & Culture.

Naval Undersea Museum

She has been working on ongoing projects for the Naval Undersea Museum, in Keyport, WA.

Burke Museum Boiserie Panels

More recently, she and her team of assistant and interns treated twenty-one 18th century Boiserie Panels for the Burke Museum, before they were installed in the new museum.

Burke Museum blog post on the restoration